Wednesday 2 September 2009

2 September 2009

With the new theme for the website in operation, it is only a matter of time before the forum experiences the same skin features of the main site. I am delighted to see a change of style, as the old-school yellow was beginning to bore and depress me. With the new touch of blue, I am sure both staff and visitors motivation and mood will be raised a great deal. I am looking forward to alot of new styles within the CheckHabbo Community. An upgrade every so often never hurt anyone. Did it?

The Turquoise Fan released in the Forum's iShop seems to be making a great impact upon the Forum Users and Staff, motivating them to post more to earn sufficient credits to purchase the rare. With motivation to post, I am positive that the post count for the Forum will steadily increase. I am really impressed with the progress that CheckHabbo has made over the past few weeks, even with my recent inactivity due to other matters outside of the Hotel, such as School starting back has been a major time-stealer and has been tiring me out. That's 6th year for you!

As usual I am always looking to improve CheckHabbo in every way possible, but I am confident that current maintenance being performed is enough to improve the comminuty for the time-being.

CheckHabbo Owner

CheckHabbo Forum